

Note: Member count may not be exact purchased, this error is unknown to us. We do not offer refunds, since we use your money to buy our stock. We will happily offer you a replacement for free and forever.
As of today, "10/01/2023" Our stock is currently 1.000 members. If you purchased 5000, 3000, 2000 or 1000 more than once, you will NOT receive a refund since this is written on the website.
Reselling our products are allowed. Donations are always appreciated and will be noticed. You will be able to have a section in the website with -> Your name, amount donated, and your custom message you want to write.
You will also have discord server perks and a customizable role, private giveaways, and early announcements.
For business inquiries, simply click on the mail icon on your left side of the screen.


5k Members

Fast and Safe
Real looking members
Different member ages
Human Descriptions
Custom Status
Various custom games (CustomRP's)
Realistic Online Times

Payments: If you want to buy using website, only payment method is LTC. If you want to pay using REVOLUT or PAYPAL, join the discord and make a ticket.

3k Members

Fast and Safe
Real looking members
Different member ages
Human Descriptions
Custom Status
Various custom games (CustomRP's)
Realistic Online Times

Payments: If you want to buy using website, only payment method is LTC. If you want to pay using REVOLUT or PAYPAL, join the discord and make a ticket.

2k Members

Fast and Safe
Real looking members
Different member ages
Human Descriptions
Custom Status
Various custom games (CustomRP's)
Realistic Online Times

Payments: If you want to buy using website, only payment method is LTC. If you want to pay using REVOLUT or PAYPAL, join the discord and make a ticket.

1k Members

Fast and Safe
Real looking members
Different member ages
Human Descriptions
Custom Status
Various custom games (CustomRP's)
Realistic Online Times

Payments: If you want to buy using website, only payment method is LTC. If you want to pay using REVOLUT or PAYPAL, join the discord and make a ticket.